Sustainable travel solutions for companies and destinations
FAIRWEG is a pioneer in the travel industry when it comes to sustainability. We want to actively shape the change towards more sustainability in both the private and business travel sectors and offer a wide range of solutions for your company.
Unique data on sustainable accommodation worldwide
The FAIRWEG database aggregates all data on sustainable hotels and touristic accommodation worldwide. In addition to valid certifications and their terms, it also includes sustainable attributes ranging from organic food to water conservation. This information forms the basis for calculating the FAIRWEG® Score, which we use to classify each accommodation based on 12 sustainable criteria.
We provide the unique sustainability data, which is researched and continuously updated through a multi-stage process, via our B2B API in a licence model. If your goal is contributing to the change in the travel industry, ensuring transparency and preventing greenwashing, we should become partners!
B2B Dataservice für den Reiseveranstalter OLIMAR
The STAY FAIR Initiative
Accurate data on certified sustainable hotels for travel distribution
The STAY FAIR initiative was planned by FAIRWEG and developed in cooperation with the European network for sustainable tourism – ECOTRANS. It is supported by a number of committed sponsors from the travel industry. These include the tour operators Ameropa, DERTOUR Group, Hotelplan, Olimar, schauinsland reisen, TUI, vtours and the cooperations AER, Lufthansa City Center and QTA, as well as Amadeus.
The STAY FAIR initiative aims to promote the distribution of certified sustainable hotels. Accommodation with a valid certificate that meets the minimum requirements is identified and highlighted by the STAY FAIR symbol. Learn more on and become part of STAY FAIR
Sustainable travel know-how for your company
More and more companies are focusing intensively on the topic of sustainability. However, according to studies, only 18% have implemented a sustainable travel policy. The main reason cited for this missing component in the sustainability strategy is above all the lack of information and the corresponding expertise within the company.
This is precisely where we come in with our consulting services. We put your company in a position to make sustainable decisions when it comes to travel. We provide you with both our many years of experience and the relevant information from the FAIRWEG database.
Our consulting services are aimed at companies of all sizes.
Auszug aus einem FAIRWEG Consulting Angebot
Our platforms for sustainable hotels, tour operators and destinations
With FAIRWEG we have created a unique brand for the promotion of sustainable accommodation and travel. On and in our FAIRWEG travel agencies, we offer partners that are already working sustainably or would like to join us on the way to sustainability the opportunity to present their offer to the right target group. Honesty and transparency are the most important ingredients for our joint success.
Our platform offers a wide range of marketing options and connections to our booking system. We look forward to discussing these with you in detail. The same applies to individual marketing campaigns, which will be presented on the right stage and in the right environment.
Vertriebskooperation - Bio Hotels bei FAIRWEG
Workshops and training courses on sustainable travel
The topic of “sustainable travel” is everywhere and there is just as much talk about the need for change in the travel industry. But what exactly are we talking about and how can we actually bring about change?
We go into detail with our range of workshops and training courses. We explain correlations, clarify important terms and share our expertise, which we have gathered through years of research into the development of FAIRWEG and the sale of sustainable travel offers.
Our workshops and training courses are primarily aimed at the management level in companies in the travel industry, hotels and destinations. They are not off-the-shelf, but individually tailored.
Workshops & Schulungen zum nachhaltigen Reisen
Some of our references
Zühlke Engineering
Hotelplan Group
schauinsland reisen
AER Kooperation
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